Digital Restoration From Start to Finish

sample photos from Chapter 9

Here are sample photographs you can practice restoration techniques on. To use these photos on your computer you'll need to download them to your hard drive. Don't click on the thumbnail; that just opens up the photo in your browser. Instead, right-click on the photo and select "save link..." or "save target..." from the pop-up menu. That will bring up a dialog box where you can tell the computer which folder to save the photo in.

Many of these are large files. Be sure to check the file sizes underneath the titles so you don't get caught by surprise.

Please remember that these photos are NOT in the public domain; they're the property of folks who are generously lending them to you to practice restoration techniques. You may not reproduce, redistribute or reuse these photos, or any work you derive from them (that includes your restored versions of them). That includes not posting them (or your restored versions) on another web site.



Figure 9-5
(16 MB)

Figure 9-9
(11 MB)

Figure 9-17
(9 MB)

Figure 9-20a
(2 MB)

Figure 9-20b
(3 MB)

Figure 9-20c
(3 MB)

Figure 9-26
(3 MB)

This material is Copyright © 2016 by Ctein. All rights reserved